Please contact us to arrange a session with one of our amazing teachers. Private lessons are a great way to get specialized attention when you’re just starting out, to get better at a specific trick, or as a gift to a loved on (we have gift cards!)
Many students choose private lessons for:
Learning a specific skill 1-1
Routine Creation: Let us help you with putting together a piece you feel good about.
Strength building: For Aerial, Acrobatics, or even other disciplines! We have certified personal trainers to help you reach your goals.
Just for fun! In town for the day or looking for a fun date idea?
Your schedule doesn’t match up with the courses offered ( Semi-privates are only $40/ person!)
Learning the very basics to be able to join a class that is already running
Please email us at for all private lesson inquiries.
1 Hour - $65+tax
1.5 Hour - $95+tax
5x 1Hour - $299+tax
1 Hour - $80+tax
1.5 Hour - $115+tax
5x 1Hour - $360+tax